About Me

Peter Akioyamen

"... models can shoot only for a very limited approximation of reality."

Hi, I'm Peter.

I'm currently a 2nd year Master's student in Data Science at the University of Pennsylvania (SEAS). I just finished a summer as a software developer at DV Trading and prior to coming to Penn I received my Bachelor of Science from Western University with an Honours Specialization in Data Science. During my undergrad I also completed an academic exchange at Florida Polytechnic University where I met some great people and made a few life-long friends.

I'm currently a member of the Database Group at Penn supervised by Prof. Ryan Marcus. I'm investigating how LLMs can be used for query optimization. My primary interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and software systems broadly.

Otherwise I spend my time watching movies, reading, taking part in fitness activities, traveling, bungee jumping, and casually photographing things. A random side quest also occurs from time to time.

In my past life...

I spent some time at Square as a product manager launching products in Europe. Before Square, I was a management consultant at Bain & Company. I'm now decent at Excel and remain subpar at PowerPoint.